We are excited to launch a contest to create the first San Jose Bike Clinic logo, a logo that will go down in history for changing the San Jose bike culture forever! Please share this request for designs far and wide so we get lots of options to choose from.
Submissions are due by April 16, and must be submitted in digital form (take a photo if it’s hand-drawn) to codyk@veggielution.org. All submissions will be reviewed by Bike Clinic volunteers at our April 18 meeting so the logo can be included in a banner for our April 29 event, and we’ll also upload them all to the SJ Bike Clinic Facebook page (like us on Facebook if you haven’t already) so that all our fans can vote for their favorite’s by ‘liking’ them. We’ll make the final selection on April 18.
We’re looking for something we can use in many ways:
- Print on a banner for our next event (April 29 in downtown San Jose—mark your calendars, more details coming)
- Incorporate in digital banners and graphics on our soon-to-come website and as our social media avatar on Facebook and Twitter
- On flyers for events and to spread the word about the Clinic
- On our first membership cards and collateral, when we have that
- Signage for the Bike Clinic location when we have one
- Stickers, t-shirts, pins, and whatever else we want to stick it on
Some requirements:
- It needs to be multipurpose so we can adapt it to all of the above uses
- It should look great in black and white, although if you want to create a colorful version that’s great
- It needs to represent the look and feel of SJ Bike Clinic. If you don’t know SJ Bike Clinic very well, that might be a challenge, so below are some words and links that you should peruse and consider before sketching and submitting something.
Food for thought
- The SJ Bike Clinic mission statement, voted on by organizers in mid-January: “The mission of the San Jose Bike Clinic is to provide a shared space for bicycle repair and education and to build a robust and diverse cycling community in San Jose.”
- Information about our first event in March: https://www.facebook.com/
events/262808817122763/ - Photos from that event: https://www.facebook.com/
media/set/?set=a. 349365831774866.85538. 324949664216483&type=3 - Before we even had a name or a mission statement, about 20 of us brainstormed words and phrases capturing ideas of what we wanted the fledgeling organization to become. You should probably take a gander and consider these ideas, many of which continue to guide this group, all listed at https://sites.google.com/site/
sanjosebikecoop/meeting- .minutes/nov-16-2011-meeting
Also, please note that we are a grassroots nonprofit and any artwork submitted and the final design chosen will be considered a generous and much-appreciated donation to SJ Bike Clinic. Although we can’t pay, we promise that you will be rewarded in other ways, and we’ll figure out a way to heartily thank you for your contribution.
If you have any questions or would like to submit something, please email codyk@veggielution.org. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing all your beautiful artwork!